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The sun is streaming in from the south window and onto our starbord1 side as we type standing and shifting our weight from leg left to right. Sitting down too much is now not a goer so we have our keybord atop a coffee table which stands upon our desk and this works rather well actually, plus one feels like a Hemmingway stood at alter.The perimeter of trees have lost all hint of colour and the autumnal degradation is complete, now we look forward now to their purpling as the winter approaches but let us not lament the change as the purpling in itself is a worthy subject and one we have never properly tackled. We're picking up infinite jest to try and catch up a little on Don Quixote which we are about half way through. A few pages in to Pale Fire where old Kinbote3 is laying down his barmy introduction. We wait for Ducks4 and have misplaced the Dickens which was last seen beneath my daughters marker so it may be a gonner. 

The advice regarding the pandemic in Sweden has been to remain vigilant.


1 Naval term to indicate the right side of a ship.

2 American author known to stand as he worked.

3 Chief protagonist and narrator of Pale Fire.

4 Ducks, Newburyport.. A book soon to arrive by mail, part of John's reading rotation.












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