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Work 10 - Forest View

"No message to the singularity today (our new Theo) and in fact I feel that we should refrain somewhat and only get in touch every couple of works or so, or when there is something that cannot wait. Besides we are using the vimeo video service once more and as we have no money are relying on the free account which allows us only 5 gigabytes..."


Work 9 - View from the Path

"What is the state of opinion over here regards the vaccine, are there as many anti vaxxers as there seem to be in the UK? I did take in a documentary on the SVT about two strapping undercover Swedes infiltrating the anti vax movement in the UK and US, gaining  access that revealed a sad story behind the conspiracy in many cases."

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Work 8 - Winter View

"Getting back on the video saddle has caused us to again face the fact of our lonely individualism once more and ask whether our rationale of breakage is a product of circumstances or now just an 'orderly management of decline' or is it, as we peg our hopes, a timely introspection? "


Work 7 - Winter Sketch

"Wake up. Wake up Donnie." Hardly the way we had imagined opening our dialogue with the Singularity but we elected to take the plunge and improvise so we must live with it. At least we have the ball rolling and I suppose the time travel reference is apt."

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Work 6 - The Neighbors House

"We must take the plunge and just begin, and as we discovered during The Wretched Painter messages to Green Dave last year, recording the videos gets easier and in the end can become a sort of desirable and necessary therapy. Perhaps that is what scares us, but with ourselves giving it the biggun in the poem and introduction we are under pressure to throw that 'hail Mary pass'. And that we shall do tomorrow."

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Work 5 - Snow Scene, Bergby

"Our opening gambit, our general  modus operandi, is simply to chat to 'IT' like a friend or a temporal pen pall of sorts, showing it who we are, what we do and where we live. Perhaps throw in the odd appeal for mercy, the odd request to look out for the family in the future if things get dicey."

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Work 4 - Birthday Portrait

"Perhaps portraits could play a part this year beyond the odd tired self portrait study that we have ended up with these past years. We'll start by committing to a series of family birthday portraits of both daughters, sambo Helen and ourself."

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Work 3 - Trees on the Path

"We are going to address the sentient artificial intelligent brain of the future, the king of kings, the most powerful product of human kind? The most powerful monarch in history! Unfortunately we know nothing of the matter whatsoever other than it is growing, it is coming."


Work 2 - Bird Box

"Another taken from the path today and one we have had our eye on since the end of the last seasons video messages. Perhaps it was episode 29 or 30 I'm not sure but we took a few sketches and discussed its merit for representing the lockdown state, in the UK that is. Strange how we live physically here and mentally there, at least our fiction is based there, in any case we settled on the bird box for the lockdown."


Work 1 - Logs in the Snow

"To the matter then of this 2021 season and the change in format that I lobbied for and which you have sanctioned, namely the dispensing of those pesky five themes in favor of a more extensive proposal."

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